Classic Metal Sorcerers
Metal Sorcerer of Tzeentch on Disc
Metal Champion of Tzeentch on Disc
Metal Champion of Slaanesh
Grey Knights Grandmaster in Nemesis Suit
Necron Warriors with Gauss Flayers Lot 2
Necron Warriors with Gauss Flayers Lot 1
Necron Warriors with Gauss Reapers Lot 2
Necron Warriors with Gauss Reapers Lot 1
Necron Plasmancer with Cryptothralls
Necron Scarabs Lot 4
Necron Scarabs Lot 3
Necron Scarabs Lot 2
Necron Scarabs Lot 1
Necron Lychguard Lot 2
Necron Lychguard Lot 1
Necron Triarch Preatorians Lot 2
Necron Triarch Preatorians Lot 1
Nightlords Night Raptors Lot 2
Nightlords Night Raptors Lot 1
Necron C'Tan Shard of the Void Dragon
Necron Skorpekh Destroyers Lot 2
Necron Skorpekh Destroyers Lot 1
Necron Canoptek Doomstalker Lot 3